Alice is amazing. I am remembering every day why I am so lucky. She is the sunshine in my life.
We saw a squirrel on our poarch today.He was picking little bites of eatery out of the pots on the ledge. Alice was so excited. It totally reminds me of how it will be spring soon!
The warm weather was just so beautiful for about a week. And now it's cold again. Today was nice but chilly. I got a much needed nap, and Alice spent a little time with nana.
She went to the store, and nana got her a Tangled Book that comes with a special hair peice that glows like magical rapunzel hair!
She had so much fun reading the story with me and acting out every moment of the movie we saw together not too long ago. Disney did a great job, and we totally loved it. Mommy may have gotten a little teary eyed a few times. :)
I'm a sucker.